Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Steak with Bleu Cheese Grilled Onion Sauce

A few years ago hyvee advertised a 'smoked Bleu cheese' in their ad. My mom and I both went to several stores seeking this delicious sounding cheese, but couldn't ever find it.

This weekend though, I was browsing the cheeses and couldn't believe my eyes! Smoked Bleu cheese! It was a little steep, $7 for a small container, but I went for it. We tried it right away and it is awesome. 

I also had some steaks so decided to make the Bleu cheese into a sauce. I looked online at recipes and most recipes called for a lot of heavy cream. I had 45 cal per cup unsweetened coconut milk, so used that instead.

I melted the container of Bleu cheese with 1 cup of coconut milk, and at the same time threw red onion slices on the grill to char a bit. I added them to the sauce along with salt and pepper and a tiny bit of sugar.

If your sauce isn't thick enough, take a ladle out and mix with some cornstarch and add it back to the rest of the sauce.

At this point you could drizzle this sauce on a steak. But I added sautéed mushrooms which made it even tastier.

It was super tasty and rich.

If you see smoked Bleu cheese, buy it!

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