Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Morels of 2013 in Iowa

I started finding morels this year the last week of April through last week. I consistently found 20-30 every time I went out, so it was very fun!

Unfortunately, though, I got poison ivy from head to toe, literally. It was very bad timing to have on my neck and eyelids, considering I just started a new job.

When I went to the Dr. they conservatively prescribed the dose packs of 4mg prednisone, the first dose being 6 pills and down one pill each day. On the last day I was getting even worse so went into a random Dr. at a convenient care place and he told me the dose packs are rarely effective because poison ivy doesn't respond to doses below 30mg of prednisone (the first day of the dose pack was only 24mg). So he prescribed 60mg for 3 days, 30mg for 3 days, and 10mg for 3 days. It is still not completely gone! Next year I will be in full body protective gear!

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