Monday, July 22, 2013

Raspberry Sauce

My grandma always used to make an awesome raspberry sauce to pour over ice cream. We made a very close reproduction below.

You can multiply this recipe as needed. The amount below will yield approximately one pint.

6 pints raspberries
3/4 cups sugar
3 T lemon juice

Wash the raspberries and put in a pot with sugar and lemon juice.

Mash the mixture together. I used a dough cutter but a potato masher would also work.

Cook the sauce at a slow boil for 30-40 minutes, until it is a dark red.

Run the sauce through a chinois or strainer to remove the seeds.

Place in cans, put on lids (boiled in water 2 minutes) and rings. Submerge in boiling water for 20 minutes. There should be an inch of water above the top of the lid.

Remove from the boiling water and place on a towel to cool for several hours. You will hear the lids 'pop'.

Before storing, check to make sure all of the lids are slightly indented, this means they are sealed.

If you have a jar that didn't seal, you can either use it right away, or store in the freezer for up to six months.

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