Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gall Bladder Attacks, Chest Pains, Remedies, and Removal

**If you read scary things about gall bladder removal, remember that people posting on health forums most likely had terrible experiences, and people with good experiences just don't take the time to post about it. I read online and was almost too scared to have the surgery, but I was completely fine!

For the past 3 or 4 years, if I ate a particularly large amount of greasy food in one meal or for a few days, or drank carbonated alcohol, I would get some chest pain that would usually go away by the next morning. I never really noticed a pattern until it happened and refused to go away.

One night after eating a huge helping of chinese black pepper chicken followed by a big bowl of frozen yogurt, all washed down with a few Mike's Hard Lemonades I woke up in terrible pain.

The pain felt like I had huge pressure in my chest, I really thought it was a heart attack, but I am 26 so that was not likely. I was sweating and had chills, and no position was comfortable. The only thing that made me feel slightly better was walking around the neighborhood in the dark, blanket wrapped around me. As soon as I stopped walking, the pain got worse again. I felt this way for about a week, and was not able to eat much. I would feel significantly worse after eating. One afternoon, the pain just stopped. I was in the middle of moving, so it was a relief to be able to feel better! I chalked it up to being extremely stressed with house sales and purchases.

A week later, the pain came back. I was so disheartened, so decided to go to the Dr. My Dr. couldn't get me in within a reasonable amount of time so I went to 'urgent care' where I was sent on my way with some acid reflux pills, and was told to have a gall bladder scan. I didn't end up going because I felt better within a few days. This went on and off for 2 months when finally I was unable to eat anything without the terrible pains that lasted anywhere from 2 hours to 16 hours. My Dr. finally saw me, and also suggested the gall bladder scan. So off I went. It turned out I had a lot of gall stones, and had my gall bladder removed 2 days later. I was lucky they got me in quickly, since I wasn't able to eat anything.

If you suspect you're having gall bladder issues, I would suggest the following foods that are easy on your gall bladder and don't produce much gas (which causes the tightness in your chest):
white rice
plain chicken
white bread toast w/ jelly
jello (not sugar free)
fat free pudding
greek yogurt
california roll sushi
baked potatoes or mashed potatoes
chamomile tea w/ honey
baked fish (not breaded)
low fat broth based soup
fruit smoothies

stay away from:
sugar free things
chewing gum
carbonated beverages
red meat

When in the midst of an attack (mine was severe chest pain, mostly under my rib cage, radiating to my back on the right side):
Try taking a hot shower
Drink hot chamomile tea with plenty of honey
Take deep breaths
Try laying on your left side
Take either tylenol or a NSAID
Try Gas-X, sometimes it helps the chest pain
Use a heating pad

When the attack stops, try to fall asleep quickly on your left side.

My experience went really well. I had it done outpatient, so went in the morning, and was home in the afternoon. I had some pretty bad pain in my shoulder, but the heating pad helped that. That night, I was able to eat a normal dinner with salad, bread, shrimp, a bite of steak, rice, and mashed potatoes (Texas Roadhouse).
I was able to move around and do things within a few days (Christmas), and by a week after, I was feeling pretty close to normal. When coughing or sneezing, place your hands in the area where your gall bladder was. When this area moves with a cough/sneeze, it can be very painful.

My only hang up, after a week I did a lot of laughing, and played the Wii. If the area where your gall bladder was is hurting when you're laughing, quit laughing. After that night, I was in pain for several days and even had to go back on the pain medication.

I read online that alcohol can cause issues afterward, but I have tried a few glasses and been ok. I would just suggest trying things slowly :)

Again, most things I read online were worst case scenarios, and probably only 1% of people actually go through what those people did.

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